Friday, 14 October 2011

Looks sleek with jewelry

Looks sleek with jewelry

stomach looks sleek with a long necklace

long chain necklace extend tops and minimize the direct middle of the body. For the most slender impression, choose a necklace that contrasts with the boss. fall between 2 to 3 inches above the waist. Another option: wear a long necklace glasses, let down the glasses hanging vertically

extend the neck with small earrings and long

want to streamline and extend the neck? avoid hoop or chandelier earrings width. choose a long sleek earrings that looked like a long rectangle. if you like hoop earrings, choose a chic geometric earrings shaped like a square, rectangular, and even a hexagon.

contours of the face with a pendant necklace

add rigor to the jaw line and cheekbones with a pendant necklace that falls in the form of V. the angle the more oval face.

use a brooch to streamline the waist

clip brooch gleaming addition to the waistline or the IAT waist if you wear jeans to aksetunsi waist. select brooch bright colors of a width of at least 2 inches to the effect that most mermpingkan

streamlined with the big bands

tips to streamline your arms visually is to incriminate him in the wrist. try the extra large cuff bracelets worn in single or multiple stacked bangle bracelets that are thinner
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